Thursday, September 23, 2021

The rapture of the saints of the Apostolic Church at the end of the Jewish Era, the rapture of the saints of the Gentile Church at the end of the Gentile Era, the rise of Michael, the fall and incarceration of Satan and the millennial Reign of Jesus, The Miltha of God, upon the whole Earth.

 At the end of the Jewish era there was a rapture of the 12 disciples/apostles and the saints of that era, including Mary, the human mother of Jesus. Only a small percentage of the believers were then taken up to heaven. That rapture took place before the year 70, as Jesus had prophesied. When you see (Jesus talking to the twelve disciples) these things (related to the fall of Jerusalem the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Jewish Era) start to happened, lift up your heads for your salvation is at hand. That is what Jesus promised the twelve, and he fulfilled his promise.

There will be another rapture at the end of the Gentile Church era, and once again only a small percentage of the believers will be taken away and transformed, becoming the spiritual guardians of humanity, living and functioning in the atmosphere of the Earth, removing and replacing the fallen angels that have occupied that space since the beginning of the human era. Under the leadership of Jesus and the ministry of these human, resurrected, spiritual sons of God, mankind will flourish in peace and justice for all. So YES!!! I am looking forward for the Rapture of the Saints of the Gentile Church Era, the expulsion of the fallen angels from the earth atmosphere, their incarceration, and their replacement with the human Sons of God, sons of the resurrection, that will then reign over the entire world. Praise the Lord, MarYah! as in the original Aramaic that Jesus and the twelve disciples speak. Amen. Till then, and in preparation for that moment it is good to review all the prophecies Jesus made and differentiate between the ones related to the Apostolic Ministry during the end of the Jewish Era, the Church ministry during the present Gentile era and finally the ones that will be fully fulfilled leading to and during the Millennium. A few tips to do so: First use the Aramaic Bible as the basic text, both the Tanach and the apostolic writings, as the original language is Aramaic, not Greek, not Hebrew. Hebrew is a subset of the original Aramaic Language and Greek is just an early translation, probably done by Paul, after the rapture of the twelve; sorry, Paul was left behind. Both the Hebrew and the Greek scriptures are useful to shed light on pronunciation and meaning but the original authoritative language is the Aramaic, not the Greek or Hebrew translations. Secondly, sorry once more, but the books of the Bible are not the Authoritative Word, in Aramaic the Miltha, or God. The Miltha of God is Jesus. These books are historical witnesses of the Divine revelation written from the point of view of different authors. They should be studied and used as historical books, original historical books, but not divine in themselves. Third, Paul was not an apostle at the same level of the twelve. Officially he was a missionary commissioned by the Church of Antioch, but in his theological dissertations he contradicted the 12, the books of the Jewish Tanach, (the law and the prophets,) and Jesus himself in multiple occasions. After the departure, the rapture, of the 12 and the saints of the Apostolic Church, Paul collected their writings, rearranged them, translated them into Greek, for the Gentile Church, and declare himself the Apostle of the Gentile Church. So his writings are useful when contrasted with the writings of (1) the brothers of Jesus, older sons of Joseph from previous marriages, who lead the Judaizers movements within the Church and (2) the 12 disciples/apostles who preached the gospel as taught by Jesus himself. To make it clear: there were three main sectors within the Apostolic Church. The followers of Jesus lead by the 12 disciples. The Judaizers lead by the brothers of Jesus and the progressive thinkers lead by Paul who sough to interpret the life and resurrection of Jesus based on the most progressive theological ideas of his time. When we read and study the apostolic period writing taking these three perspectives into account we get a tri-dimensional picture of Jesus life, work and ministry, and the Apostolic Church Period, at the end of the Jewish Era/ beginning of the Gentile era. Finally all the books of the new Testament are useful, not to be discarded, but Paul did moved some passages around. For example, the end of the gospels, he puts them at the beginning of the Apostolic Period, right after the resurrection of Jesus, when rightfully so they should be at the end, right after the rapture of the Saints of the Apostolic Church. Originally the commandment of Jesus was to go thru all the land of Israel preaching the gospel to the Jews, for their time was almost over. Judgement was imminent. After the fall of the temple and the end of the Jewish Era, THEN the priority was to preach and teach the entire world. One more point: The Book of Revelation is not one book but the combination of two or more apocalyptic works into one book. The editor, perhaps Paul, did not dare to add or take away from those visions, but simply rearrange them, two or more works, into one. The Challenge for the 21st century Church is to restore the New Testament, Apostolic Period, writings into their original order, so what was, what is and what is still to be will become crystal clear to all. May the Shekina, of God the Divine Mother Spirit, also known as the Holy Spirit guide us. Amen.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Why I am against Granting Statehood to Puerto Rico

 Hoy, Martes 2 de marzo del 2021 el Periodico Primera Hora publico un reporte de prensa sobre la radicacion en el Congreso de un proyecto de Ley para viabilizar la admision de Puerto Rico como el Estado 51 de la Union.  En la seccion de comentarios publique mi reaccion al mismo, Leia asi:

Soy Puertorriqueño, nacionalista, soberanista e independientemente de loq decida el Congreso de Estados Unido continuare trabajando por, y promoviendo la plena soberania de Puerto Rico tanto entre los puertorriqueños como entre los estadounidenses. Si la Estadidad se convirtiese en el proximo estatus politico de Puerto Rico eso no cambiara ni mi sentir ni mi labor.

Por el contrario, bajo la e stadidad trabajaria con mas fuerza para convencer a Estados Unidos de que la unica solucion al creciente setimiento secesionista en Puerto Rico y en muchos estados de la Union es encaminar a Puerto Rico hacia su plena soberania nacional.  Hay muchas formas parar lograr eso, que inclusive serian mas impactantes y efectivas bajo la Estadidad Federal.

Ucle Sam and dear Congresspersons, swallow the pill, a living, hard, pointed and sharp diamond that once inside, incorporated as a federal state will focus on finding its way out.... PR will eventually become a Free and Sovereign Nation.  What may happen to the guts of the beast in the process, swallow the pill and f ace the consequences of your arrogance.

El moderador del grupo rechazo mi comentario alegando que no se ajustaba a las normas del grupo. Rapidamente publique otro comentario y este aparentemente lo publicaron.

No dije ni una sola mala palabra, no insulte a nadie. simplemente di mi opinion sobre el tema de la Estadidad y sus consecuencias tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Pero como esa opinion no le gusta a algunas personas, el moderador rechazo mi comentario. En Resumen, si llega la estadidad seguire promoviendo la Independencia para Puerto Rico. Dentro de la estadidad estaria promoviendo y justificando la secesion como solucion a la necesidad funcional de soberania nacional, no solo de Puerto Rico sino de otros estados y regiones en Estados Unidos que estan en el proceso de desarrollar identidades nacionales propias. La meta obvia seria alcanzar un proceso de ebullicion que obligue a la clase gobernante en Estados Unidos a escoger entre la desestablilizacion de toda la Union o encaminar a Puerto Rico hacia su plena soberania nacional... Esa sera la estrategia si llegase la estadidad. Asi que pidalan si quieren y al Congreso que la conceda si la consideran conveniente para atender el problema del Estatus politico de Puerto Rico. Eventualmente Puerto Rico advendra a su plena soberania nacional, ya sea mediante un proceso racional y mutualmente beneficioso o como resultado de una efervecencia secesionista promovida por intelectuales boricuas a lo largo y ancho de la Union....

 En fin parece que la imagen grafica de las tripas del imperio sufriendo daño y expulsado a Puerto Rico de la Union en un proceso donde se mezcla la sangre y la escreta del Congreso no es del agrado del Moderador.  Pero ese es mi argumento fundamental en contra de la Estadidad, que Puerto Rico tiene un fuerte sentido de nacionalidad propia y que de convertirse en Estado Federal, ese sentimiento nacionalista propio contagiara a otros estados y regiones de la Union, causando y, en mi  caso particular, promoviendo una efervecencia secesionista que eventualmente o transforma la Union y la destruye. Creo que la imagen grafica se queda corta....

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Return to the original doctrine of Yeshoa, Jesus, and you will find peace

Return to the original doctrine of Yeshoa [Jesus] as found in the three original Aramaic gospel, Matthew, Mark and John,  inherited from the  Apostolic Church and you will find  spiritual clarity, certainty, peace. Cling to the  gospel of Paul, as found in the Gospel of Luke, Acts and the letters written by his companions and signed by Paul, and you will drown in confusion.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

To Restored and Upgrade the United States Federal Constitution

 The US Federal Constitution needs to be redefined at its core: The way the Federal Government is elected and the balance of powers between the branches and the different levels of Government, local, state, federal, needs to be actualized returning to, and improving the original design.

First the President should be elected by direct vote under uniform rules established and implemented by the Federal Government. One Citizen, one vote, under uniform federal rules. 

Second the Senators should become State ambassadors before and in the Federal Government. One Senator per State, nominated by the State Governor and ratified by the State Legislature. Above the Federal Supreme Court there should be the Annual States Supreme Court Judges Conclave, to convene for 30 days,  once a year.  

Finally and foremost the Union must be redefined as a Voluntary Confederation of Sovereign Nation States, where each State has the right to have and protect its own national Identity to the extend of leaving the Union, using a predetermined process, if its own national identity is threaten.

To leave the Union the permanent residents of a State most vote for separation, in two consecutive referendums, two years apart, then a period of negotiation on the terms of separation will follow, and finally a final referendum where the permanent residents of the State will ratify their separation from the union.  The Union has no right to impose sanctions on a departing state.  Any use of military force against the departing state will be considered an act of aggression against an Independent, Sovereign Nation State.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

El evangelio de Ysha (nombre de Jesus en el original arameo) no esta en las cartas de Pablo, sino en los cuatro evangelios originales, Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan escritos y preservados en arameo

El verdadero evangelio de Ysha (nombre de Jesus en el idioma original arameo que Jesus y sus discipulos hablaban), ese evangelio original no esta en las cartas de Saulo de Tarso (nombre original del auto proclamado äpostol Pablo) sino en los cuatro evangelios originales escritos durante la epoca apostolica y preservados en el idioma arameo original. Clave para entenderlos: el idioma original de interpretacion no es ni el griego, ni el hebreo sino el arameo. Nuestro maestro supremo es Isha y en su vida y enseñanzas es que esta la verdad. Encuentrenla leyendo, estudiando, internalizando los cuatro evangelios originales, Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan, en el original arameo, o en una traduccion fidedigna de los mismos. Recordando siempre que el idioma original es el arameo, y es a ese idioma al que hay que ir para aclarar cualquier duda sobre el significado de algun pasaje que en la traduccion no este completamente claro. A los judios Ysha le predico un mensaje de juicio inminente, arrepentimiento inmediato y extricta obedencia a la ley de Moises. A ellos Isha les advirtio que el acha estaba puesta a la raiz de los arboles, y que todo arbol que no diera fruto seria cortado y echado fuera. A ellos Isha les predico que el tiempo era corto y que no pasaria aquella generacion antes de que los juicios por Isha anunciados se cumplieran. Tristemente y como pueblo, como pais no se arrepintieron. Mataron a su Mesias, persiguieron a sus seguidores, se aliaron con los nacionalistas y hasta desacraron el templo. La consecuencia de su pecado y su maldad cayo sobre ellos, y del templo que tanto adoraban no quedo ni una piedra, nisiquiera el recuerdo de su exacta localizacion,; y no, no estaba donde ahora dicen que estaba, en realidad el muro de los lamentos es solo un vestigio de un antiguo fuerte romano, no del Templo de Dios. A los gentiles Jesus nos dio la buena nueva que Elohah es nuestro padre celestial y su ley esta basada en el amor, Elohah nos ama a todos y quiere que todos nos amemos los unos a los otros tal y como Elohah nos ha amado. Las partes de la Ley Mosaica que le aplican directamente a los gentiles son muy pocas. Dicha ley fue escrita para los judios, y ellos se encargaron de violentarla. Nuestro mensaje a ellos, Israel, el pueblo judio, la nacion escogida por Elohah, nuestro padre celestial, es que se arrepientan de su pecado colectivo de haber matado a su Mesias, haber perseguido a sus seguidores y haber desacrado su Templo. Que acepten a Jesus como su Mesias y vuelvan a practicar la ley que Elohah les dio a traves de Moises, tal y como fue clarificada por nuestro unico SEÑOR y maestro, Isha (Isha en el original arameo, Yeshua, en hebreo, Jesus, en los idiomas modernos). Nosotros, los gentiles regocijemonos en ser reconocidos y aceptados como hijos de Elohah, nuestro Padre Celestial, y esforcemonos en vivir de acuerdo a su ley fundamental del amor universal, amando a Elohah, nuestro padre celestial sobre todas las cosas y a todo serviviente tal y como Elohah Dios nos ha amado. Amin.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Lunar Event 2028: We still have time to get ready, but the time is running short!

The world is not as the official orthodox science says it is, neither it is as it was before the Universal flood recorded in the Bible, but it is changing to become what it was supposed to become from the very beginning.

El mundo no es como la ciencia oficial ortodoxa dice que es, tampoco es como era antes del Diluvio Universal registrado en la Biblia, pero esta cambiando para llegar a ser lo que se supone que llegaria a ser desde el principio.

Don't be afraid of the changes, but seek to understand and flow with them, otherwise, you may suffer undue harm.

No le tengan miedo a los cambios, pero busquen entenderlos y fluyan con ellos, si no lo hacen pudieran sufrir daños innecesarios.

Every day, small events happen all around the world that are inexplicable according to the official science view.  Those isolated events will continue to be ignored by official science till the Moon Event occurs in the summer of 2028, plus or minus three years.  Then the official orthodox science view will collapse and mankind will go into a panic. Alternate scientific and religious views will arise to try to explain the cosmos, the universe, the history of mankind and our future.

Cada dia en el mundo ocurren pequeños eventos que son inexplicables para la ciencia oficial.  Esos eventos continuaran siendo ignorados por la ciencia oficial hasta que ocurra el Evento Lunar en el verano del 2028, mas o menos 3 años. Entonces el modelo cientifico oficial colapsara y la humanidad entrara en panico.  Surgiran modelos cientificos y religiosos alternativos para tratar de explicar el cosmos, el universo, la historia de la humanidad y nuestro futuro.

Not only the climate but the topography of the world and our perceived connection to the cosmic system our planet is part of will change. The very nature of the earth and its connection to the so-called solar system will be doubted.

No solo el clima sino la topografia del mundo y nuestro entendimiento de como este mundo se conecta con el sistema cosmico del cual somos parte cambiara. La naturaleza misma de la tierra y su conexion con el supuesto systema solar sera puesto en duda.

Official science must not ignore the events that cannot be explained according to the official scientific world view; and open itself to alternative world views.

La ciencia oficial no debe ignorar los eventos que no se pueden explicar de acuerdo al modelo cientifico official; y se debe abrir a modelos cientificos alternativos.

We still have time, but the time is running short.

Todavia tenemos tiempo, pero ese tiempo se esta acabando.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Homosexuality is not a sin...

But anal sex is a sin against your own body, the body of the person you are having anal sex with, and any other sexual partner you may have. Neither does it matter if  you are homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual, if you are religious or not, if you are married or not; whoever you are  and whatever your social status or type of relationship you may  have with your sexual partner, anal sex is a sin against your own body, the body of the person you are having  anal sex with and any other person you may have sex with. So please, for your own good, your own health and that of your sexual partner(s): stop having anal sex and find safer, healthier, natural ways to intimate with your sexual partner(s). Enjoy your sexuality with your chosen partner but do it in a natural and safe manner.   

And you heterosexual readers, please note that the sin is not in the sexual orientation, but in the act of anal sex itself. So a homosexual couple who stays away from anal sex and finds other creative ways to enjoy their sexual intimacy is not committing a sin.   But a heterosexual couple, even if they are married and loyal to one another in a life long commitment, even if they are servants of God, faithful to God in everything else, if they engage in anal sex they would be sinning against their own bodies, and as with any any other sin if they keep practicing it, eventually they will face the consequences of their unnatural behaviour. So, please, dear brothers and sisters, stay away from anal sex.

Of course, no one should be asking others how they have sex. That is a private matter. Something between them and only God would know for certain what they do or do not do in their sexual intimacy. But just remember, anal sex is not good for you, is contra-natura, against nature and if you practice it, eventually there will be negative consequences at both the physical and the spiritual level. For your own good, stay away from anal sex, and enjoy your sexual intimacy in a natural, creative and safe manner.

Blessings.. and stay away from anal sex.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Sovereign Nations

 One nation should not be encapsulated inside another nation. Every single nation should be free, Sovereign. Independent. Master of her own destiny. Responsible for her own actions.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Lo mataron... pero no murio.

Lo masacraron, lo mataron, pero no murio.... visito el sheol...  regreso...  sigue vivo... sentado en el trono celestial, ya es un viejito de unos dos mil años, y sigue firme... esperando recibir al pueblo que habrá de heredar el trono....  ISHA, MarYAH, Alahi!  Jesús, mi Señor y mi Dios, como bien dijo Thomas cuando vio sus heridas, a unos dias de haber regresado....

Bendito Thomas que vio y entendio lo que ningun otro mortal ha visto. Es tiempo de que empezemos a entenderlo!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Puerto Rico is Another Country, not a mere US Territory populated by 2nd Class American Citizens

Monday, July 18, 2016

La Bandera Negra y Blanca de Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico's Black and White Flag

Simplemente propongo que hasta que Puerto Rico sea libre y soberano, todo movimiento politco que crea en la soberania de Puerto Rico adopte la bandera negra y blanca como la bandera de Puerto Rico, en demostracion de rechazo a la politica imperialista de Estados Unidos con respecto a Puerto Rico.

Y que cuando alcancemos la soberania, ENTONCES escojamos una nueva bandera, que verdaderamente refleje nuestra identidad nacional, y no sea un reflejo o derivado de la estadounidense.

Till PR becomes a free and sovereign Country, please let us adopt the Black and White Flag as our national flag.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Another Jewish Shoah in the Making But This Time Their False Messiah Will do the Killing

What happened to the Jews in Europe during World War II was not a holocaust but an explosion of anger and hatred against the Jewish bankster; that sadly felt on the average Jew, not the banksters. Yes Jews were killed in all imaginable ways, but not in a planned, industrial way as the myth says.  For the leaders of Germany a captured incarcerated Jew was more useful than a dead Jew. Incarcerated, the Nazis could  work them to death, so to speak. Killing millions of Jews,  incinerating them and disposing of their ashes, to the extend that no useful traces of the ashes could be found, would have been a huge, useless waste of time, money and resources that Germany badly needed. Remember, there was a huge war going on and millions of Germans were dying in the front lines. Every resource they could get, was badly needed for the war effort, defending themselves from the Russian, British and American attacks, for by that time it had become clear that the goal of the Allies was the destruction of the German people. Total war. Total destruction.

Now, here and there, to a smaller or a larger extend some individuals, Nazis or not, Germans or not, did kill Jews; abuse, torture, poison, killed them in an irrational, hateful way, but not as a policy of the German Reich.

Yet in the concentration camps there were also Sonderkommandos, many of them Jews, that worked with the SS men in administering the camps.  These Sonderkommandos  were the ones in continuous,  direct contact with those jailed in the camps. Some of these Sonderkommandos did  abused their fellows, and took advantage of them,  always claiming that it was under SS orders. I think that most of the evil things they did was not under SS, Nazi orders, but rather for their own personal comfort and lucre. These Jewish, Communist Sonderkommandos were the ones who created and  propagated the myth of the Holocaust to justify their own actions, while demonizing the SS Nazis and their leaders.

And because of the difficult life in the camps, the fact that the prisoners were being worked to death, [almost all males in Germany, including Hitler himself were suffering the same fate; it was a total war, and they wanted to win it, for their own life, win it!] and the dire conditions under which the War developed for Germany, the myth grew to mythical proportions.

Many prisoners when they got into the camps, were sick or got sick thereafter and were taken to the infirmaries where they spent several days, even weeks recovering. With the myth of the Holocaust floating around, what do you think these inmates dreamed about? The holocaust of course! And while you are sick, with a high fever that runs for days at a time you lost notion of what is real and what is just a dream or nightmare.  So in the mind of many inmates, the holocaust became the central reality on their feverish, hallucinating world....

During the time they were sick, most likely than not, they lost contact with  friends and relatives that  may have been moved to other camps or may have died due to the epidemies that were rampant in the camps and/or the hardships of camp life and work itself.... but for those who have just resurrected from the infirmaries, it was the Holocaust they saw in their nightmares, that for them have seem so real, the one and only cause of their friends/relatives death or disappearance.  So, even though the Nazi doctors may have actually saved their lives in the infirmaries, some patients came out thinking that their friends and relatives have been exterminated by those same doctors... in the gas chambers. Only an act of God saved me from their poisons: they would swear thereafter!

During the war, the Allies committed and impressive number of war crimes and mass executions, including the burning of several German and Japanese cities with incendiary and/or nuclear bombs. So, they decided to use the Holocaust Myth to direct the attention of the entire world toward the evilness of Nazism and away from their own Allies war crimes.  The Zionist leaders, with their money making mentality, used the Holocaust myth to generate income for their cause.  SO even before the war ended the Holocaust Myth have been elevated to the level of absolute truth and anyone who dared to question it, particularly in Germany would be condemn as an unrepentant evil sinner against humanity: and treated accordingly.

Under these conditions those who had been there and knew that it has not happened, kept their mouth shut, and if they spoke at all, only did so to confirm the official story, blame others for it and try to convince the judges that they were totally against it. Saving their own skin, and their relatives as well. Who could blame them for that?

For all these reasons, after the war  the holocaust myth sustained itself out of testimonies of individuals who thought they had seen it, most likely than not while recovering from real diseases and epidemies that would have killed them if they would have not received proper care at the Nazi infirmaries; and sonderkommandoes that created the myth to cover up their own selfish sins while working in the camps.

After the war, these same sonderkommadoes  wrote imaginary, fictional stories about the cruelty of the extermination camps, the zillions killed there, and their own heroics acts to help others and themselves... escape from the camps. With these fictional stories they made millions; The allies covered their own tracks of war crimes and the Zionists built their State in land taken away from their historical inhabitants, in a huge project paid for by the German people that once again was blamed for the War and made to pay for it.

But God is just. He still loves the seed of Jacob, but in no way will leave them without correction. Their own sins will catch up to them, and their own Golem will one day seek to destroy them. God is Just, God is Merciful. God is Love and one day they will become the blessing He always wanted them to be. He will make sure of that.  But they will have to learn a big lesson before it. So help them God, for they will need Him. Their own blood will be shed not by their victims or enemies, but by their own Messiah, the one they have created to protect themselves and extend their kingdom. Their Own State will  turn against them! 

And only  then, when facing the same destruction they will have impose upon  others... only then will they finally recognize their collective sin, repent and return to the true Universal God and his one universal law.... And He Himself will come to their rescue. Don't ask me if that is fair.  They are still HIS chosen people and I don't argue with HIM on that. 

One day they will become the blessing Alahah Himself always wanted them to be. I would like to see that before I go home.... and rejoice on it.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Original God Given Holy Script, Character set, could be the key to better understand the Bible

Something very important about the Ark of the Covenant are the stones tablets where God Himself wrote the ten commandments. In what language and using what character set did he wrote them? It certainly was not the Square Aramaic Script the Jews borrowed from Babylon, over a thousands years latter, and adopted as their own....

It could have been the Old Hebrew/Phoenician Script used and spread by the Phoenicians a few decades after the Israeli invasion of the land of Canaan.

But who knows, perhaps it was another one. Perhaps God, in the Tablets of the Law gave them a Symbolic-Phonetic Script, and the Jews, for fear of blaspheming God or misusing The Divine Script, replaced it, for daily use, with a simpler one, The so called Old Script used by Jews and Phoenicians alike.

Perhaps that's why many biblical passages seem difficult to understand. The Original Script was replaced by a different one, and while most of the phonetic meanings remain the same, the original God given script also had symbolic meanings and interconnections that were lost when it was replaced with the Old Hebrew Script. In time, after the Babylonian captivity the Jews replaced the Old Hebrew Script with the Square Aramaic Script used in Babylon. Ever since, that Square script has become the official Script used by the Jews to write both, Hebrew and Aramaic, their two main theological languages.All present and historical copies of the Hebrew Scriptures now available are written using the Square Script.

Yet many passages remain obscure or difficult to understand. Perhaps a way to better understand those passages  would be to find the tablets of the law written by God, re-learn that original Script given by  Him and replace the Square Hebrew/Aramaic script with the original one.  I would expect that using the original script a deeper understanding of many biblical passages will emerge.

Could we still find or identify that God Given Original Script, Characters set?  A clue may be found in the Book of Daniel where God once again wrote with his finger on the wall, this time a message of Judgment against the king of Babylon.  Curiously the learned men in Babylon, the capital of the World, or at least the Middle East Part of the world at that time, those learned men could NOT READ what was written. If it would have been written in the Square Script or even in the Old Hebrew script there would have been individuals capable of READING it. But none was found. This suggest that God wrote on the wall using a Script other than the Square or old Hebrew Script.

  Yet Daniel was able to read the characters (he recognized them) and then he gave their interpretation.  But before interpreting them, there is the fact that he did recognize the Script God used to write on the wall.... Perhaps that was the same script used on the Ten Commandments Stone tablets..... It would make sense that God will used the same Script.... And it would make sense that even though the Jews would not use the Original Divine Script in their daily affairs, or permanently record it on stone or paper, perhaps they did teach a selected group to read and write it, using something as simple as sand boxes, where they would write... and erase what they wrote so that no permanent record of that writing would be found.

Now, from a Christian perspective Jesus is Jehovah, incarnated. And in the case of the woman that was accused of adultery, Jesus in protecting her wrote on the sand. The bible does not say what he wrote. As he wrote, first the elders and then the younger accusers drop the stones they were going to stoned her with, and left... Could it have been that he wrote in the same ancient, Original Script he, JEHOVAH himself, had given Moses over 2000 years before? Could the public use of that Holy Script have impacted the elders so much that they left in awe. Could that be the reason why nobody recorded what he said, but only the fact the he did wrote in the sand....

Three different times God wrote with his finger: First when he wrote the Tablets of the Law that he gave to Moses; then when he wrote on the Wall of the Palace in Babylon, a message of judgment against the king of Babylon; and finally, when he, Jehovah incarnated, wrote on the sand, before those who were ready to stone a woman to death.... In what language and using what Script did he wrote?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

On the Anti-Christ or False Messiah of Judaism

In the Original Hebrew/Aramaic it is not the Anti-Christ but the False Christ: the false Messiah, the false Savior of Israel.  In Israel there has always been two tendencies: the Religious, pious trend, following the Mosaic Law and trusting God; and the secular, atheistic trend, that denies God and seeks to restored  the Israeli Kingdom, outside and against religion.  The false Christ, the False Messiah of Judaism is the conception of the Messiah that the secular atheistic Jews have follow since the days of Moses. In its present incarnation It is called Secular Zionism and its Messiah, its Savior is the Zionist Jewish State they are creating.

Secular Zionist Jews are not expecting a divine ordained Messiah, or even YeHoVaH God himself to descent from heaven to be their Saviour.  Their highest conception of God is that of an energy, like the force of the Star War movies, that they, the Secular Jewish Elite, know how to conjure and manipulate. In their ideology it is them, the Secular Zionist Jews, the ones that will save the Jewish people, and rule the world thru their creation, The Zionist State, that will become the physical incarnation of the Secular Zionist Ideology, and imperial ideals.

They have succeeded in creating their State.  Yet it is not perfectly Jewish and Zionist yet. Functioning in a real world, and feeding on people, primarily Jews who moved to Israel and their descendants, the Palestinian who remain in the land,  the Jewish community around the world and Christians who believe it to be a God given creation, the State of Israel does not yet incarnates perfectly the secular Zionist ideology.

For the time being that State has the appearance of conformity to religion and fear of God, but deep within, Zionism is an atheist ideology that hates religion, all religion but  primarily monotheistic religions like Islam, Christianity and most of them all, Judaism, which they blame for all the evils that the Jewish people has suffered over the ages.

For the time being the State of Israel functions as the Government of a given country where real people with good and bad traits strive to live, protect and govern themselves the best way they can. Yet Secular Zionism as an ideology and imperial philosophy continuous to grow and expand its grip upon mankind.

Inside and outside of Israel the great satan, [the collective, telepathic identity of the rebellious, Sheol-bound serpent people] thru the Ideology of  Atheist Zionism is consolidating its grip and mind control of powerful Jewish bankers, leaders and power brokers around the world.   It is becoming the ideology, the religion of the Jewish powerful elite around the Globe. Thru them It is taking control of the World.

 Once it does, It will reveal its true nature seeking to destroy all Monotheistic religions. To destroy  Islam, historical evidence (real or created: the effect will be the same) will be presented that will "prove" beyond any doubt who the original so called prophet  was and how it was transmuted into the religion and Prophet of Islam. The evidence will be so powerful and disgusting that the masses will depart from that religion. Deprived of their unifying religion the Arabs and Muslims  of the world will become like sheep lost in the wilderness... and the Zionist state will act like a Lion feeding among them.

 Against Christianity, Satan, acting thru its Zionist emissaries, will do what they have always done, instigate persecution and hatred,  seeking to completely eradicate Christ and its disciples from the face of the Earth.

At the end, when Satan thinks it has succeeded, it will raise against the Jewish/Israeli people themselves. The foreshadow of that occurred in WWII, when pious Jews were persecuted and murdered by Communist/Zionist Jews within and without the Nazi prison system (and then blamed the Nazis for that); It is starting again against the Orthodox Jews in Israel; and it will gain full strength once Satan thinks that he Has finally overcome Christianity.

But then,  YeHoVah God himself will descend from heaven and set his feet upon the Mount of Olives as prophesied by Zechariah. Then the Jewish People, the Muslims, and any surviving Christians left in Israel, will acknowledge that He is their Savior and their God.  They will go up the Mountain to seek His protection...

 and then they will see his hands...

Then the Jewish/Israeli people will finally understand, repent and become the blessing God intended them to be from the very beginning. What a glorious day. The climax of the prophetic drama. How much I wish we could be there... to rejoice with them... yet there is work to do... and we must do it for that day to come.

The fullness of God's love as manifested in the life and sacrificial death of Jesus must be presented to them as  well as his commandment to love all as he has  loved us. That is the Full Gospel of Jesus. Not only that God love us, but that we, and all those who accept and receive that love, must pass it on, loving all as he has loved us.

Israel needs to receive that message, to feel that love. But that love to be honest must condemn their sins and call them to repentance just like the prophets of YeHoVaH did in the past, just like Jesus did during his earthly ministry and just like his disciples did during their close to 40 years ministry to Israel, just after His resurrection.

Some Jews will receive the message now, and become one with us. Must of them won't. Yet the seed will be planted in their minds and  hearts and when their day of big tribulation comes. When most Christians would have departed from this physical world. Some taken away in the rapture. Most killed during the persecution the Zionist Elite instigated against them. At the time of the Great tribulation of Jacob, when the Jewish State they created with sweat and tears turns against them... then  they will remember and return to the God of their Forefathers.

Then, The God of Love and Faithfulness that was preached to them, will come to their rescue...  YeHoVah Himself will set his feet upon the Mount of Olives to be their Lord, their Savior, their Ultimate Messiah! Ha leh lu YAH!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

El Rapto de unos pocos y el fin de la Era de la Iglesia...

El siguiente escrito: The Rapture of a few and the end of the Church Era, esta en ingles, pues asi llego, cuando estaba reaccionando a un video en youtube, que estaba en el idioma ingles.  Por regla general, soy muy flojo traduciendo, y cada vez que lo intento, termino escribiendo un articulo nuevo.  Asi que aqui lo tienen, espero que lo disfruten, y si me preguntan cuales seran las dos naciones que Dios habra de usar, luego del llamado rapto de la Iglesia, para lidiar con Israel, y lograr su arrepentimiento, conversion y transformacion, ya ustedes conocen una de ellas, la que tiene al Leon de la tribu de Juda, la raiz de David que ha vencido, que se menciona en el capitulo 5 del Libro de Revelacion, como su simbolo nacional...

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The Rapture of a Few and the end of the Church Era

To be taken away before the revelation of the Antichrist is not a right you receive when you accept Jesus. It is a privilege earned by just a few.  It is for those who reach and keep a high level of Holiness or consecration to God, by living according to HIS law of unconditional love toward God and others.

Everybody else will stay here. What will come to an end at the rapture, of just a few truly holy men, will be the Era of the Church. After that moment God will deal with Nations, primarily the nations that descends, spiritually, from the Israel of antiquity.  There are quite a few of those. The best known being the present nation-state of Israel.

After the rapture God will deal with the Jew and its present State of Israel.  God will confront them with their SIN and called them to repentance.  God will do what he WILL do to bring them to repentance and salvation.  God will reunite all the descendants of the Israel of antiquity and bound them under his LAW of unconditional love, not any kind of love but the love He demonstrated when He Incarnated and was obedient even unto death... on a cross.

To accomplish this HE will use two nations, the TWO witnesses identified in Revelation.... Revelation is not about individuals but about NATIONS. Those two nations will suffer the ultimate price, just as their master, Jesus, did over 2000 years ago. But for a Christian physical death is not the end... beyond death they will be one with God, one in God, as Jesus promised his followers.  In a way they will ascend into a higher level, but their example and message toward Israel will move Israel toward repentance and conversion, true conversion, at the final Revelation of Yehovah/Jesus (one and the same person or divine manifestation) when HE descends and sets his feet upon the Mount of Olives as prophesied by Zachariah.

As far as the individual Christians who are left behind at the rapture (the vast majority of us) our salvation will be tied to our faith, in its original meaning of faithfulness toward God and obedience to HIS law, but this LAW understood as explained and summarized by Jesus as the LAW OF LOVE, unconditional love toward God and others, even at the price of one's own physical sacrifice.

So, if you are a Christian, you better consecrate your live to God now, and live according to HIS LAW of unconditional love toward God and others, or you will be left behind and then, your only chance of salvation will be to adopt then the lifestyle you had not practice before, the law of unconditional love, but then under extreme circumstances.

Before the rapture, to live according to the law of unconditional love is relatively easy and only in a few extreme cases will lead to actual physical suffering and death.  After the rapture, if you choose to live according to the law of unconditional love, you WILL suffer persecution, tribulation and death.

So be smart and start living according to HIS LAW of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE toward God and others... now!,  and if HE wills it, you will be taken away before God starts to deal with apostate Israel, to bring them back under HIS wings. HIS manifested love will bring them to repentance, will bring them to conversion, will wash them from their sin and will transform them into the blessing he wanted them to be before they even existed... but it will be a bloody, painful affair, for the two witness nations He will use to express his love and bring about his plan.

It will be a bloody, holy, manifestation of love, and if you don't want to be part of it, start then manifesting that love today, when it is easy and free to do it. Take the express to heaven today, otherwise you will have to go the Calvary route, bleeding all the way to the top of it. Once the chosen ones, that first fruit of God's unconditional love, are taken away and the Antichrist manifest itself publicly, it will be too late to take the easy way, and you will have to pay the price, the full price to get there.

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Si leen cuidadosamente el capitulo 5 del Libro de Revelacion veran que aquel al cual el angel que hablaba con el anciano Juan describio como el Leon de la tribu de Juda, la Raiz de David que ha vencido resulto ser el Cordero que fue inmolado, es decir sacrificado ritualmente por el pecado de otros, pero que esta de pie;  ha vencido la muerte,  y es el que tomara el libro sellado con siete sellos y abrira los mismos.  Aquel que Juan vio como un Cordero inmolado, el angel lo ve como un Leon triunfante.  Cuestion de perspectiva...

Precisamente ese Cordero es el simbolo central del Escudo Nacional de Puerto Rico. Como he argumentado en otro escrito nuestros banderas nacionales, la que usamos en un pasado y la que tenemos al presente, se diseñaron tomando como modelo primero la bandera dominicana y luego la cubana; y esta ultima, la monoestrallada, dado su parecido a la estadounidense, nos hace ver como un apendice o satelite del gran Imperio del Siglo 20; es decir, una colonia de la Union estadounidense.  Pienso, y ya he propuesto anteriormente que debieramos adoptar una nueva insignia nacional; una bandera que sea 100 nuestra y que refleje al cien por ciento nuestro espiritu y esencia colectiva. 

Algo tan sencillo y transcendente como tomar nuestro escudo nacional y colocarlo sobre un fondo azul celeste... identificandonos final y firmemente con el Leon, de la Tribu de Juda, la raiz de David, que ha vencido, aunque lo que se vea en la bandera sea un Cordero dulce y apacible, sabremos ya su significado y el compromiso que adoptamos al adoptarlo como nuestra insignia nacional... amen que si.  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Estadidad Federada: Imperialismo y Coloniaje en su mas Explosiva Expresión

Por décadas el liderato independentista ha estado, por complicidad o ignorancia, traicionando la patria que juran defender.  El Estado Libre Asociado es, dentro de nuestro contexto colonial impuesto por el imperialismo estadounidense, el fruto de nuestros esfuerzos colectivos por adquirir y ejercer el máximo de gobierno propio que nos sea posible. Es un esfuerzo descolonizador dentro del contexto del imperialismo ejercido por el mayor imperio militar de la historia. Por tanto si el estatus actual es territorial, colonial y vergonzoso eso no es culpa del liderato popular. Eso es culpa del imperio que nos invadio y se ha negado a bregar de a verdura con el asunto de nuestro estatus político.

Si somos esclavos que se averguenze el amo. Nosotros seguiremos demandando nuestra libertad.

Nuestro caso de colonialismo, sin embargo, no es cuestión de falta de derechos y libertades individuales. De esas tenemos suficientes, quiza demasiadas, y un poco más de disciplina y sentido de obligaciones ciudadanas y patrióticas nos haría bien. Nuestro caso es uno de falta de libertades colectivas. Desde los 1800s hemos advenido al estatus colectivo de conciencia nacional. Dejamos de ser un reguerete de gente para convertirnos en un pueblo; en un ente, en un ser colectivo llamado NACIÓN. Somos una nación. Todavia no somos una nación soberana, pero ya hace unos doscientos años que somos una nación.

Como nación tenemos unos derechos y unas obligaciones colectivas que se le deben reconocer a toda nación, pero a nosotros se nos niegan. Bajo el estatus actual, esa negación, afortunadamente, no es absoluta.  Cuando menos se nos reconoce nuestra identidad cultural-nacional.... a medias, pero algo es algo... y, más importante aun,  se nos reconoce nuestro derecho a reclamar y obtener la plena soberania nacional, es decir la Independencia política. 

Si nos unimos como pueblo podemos lograr que el ELA crezca en la dirección de la soberania nacional, un paso a la vez, o de forma inmediata.

La estadidad federada es otra cosa.  Bajo ese estatus solo existe una identidad nacional reconocida. Esa es la identidad nacional creada por el Gobierno Federal luego de aplastar las ansias de Soberanía Nacional de los Estados del Sur. Al terminar la Guerra Secesionista del Sur, allá para los 1870, el gobierno federal unido a los grandes compañías de aquel entonces, precursores de las mega corporaciones de hoy, se dieron a la tarea de crear una Identidad Nacional e imponerle esa identidad nacional federal a todos los Estados.

Desde entonces esa identidad nacional es la única permitida por el Régimen Central Estadounidense. A los estados como Texas, California, Alaska o Hawwaii, y a las regiones como la Nueva Inglaterra, el Sur Histórico o la Península de Delmarva, frente a Washington D.C., no se les permite promover, proclamar o defender las identidades proto-nacionales que por mucho tiempo se han  estado cuajando en esos lares.

Dentro de la Unión estadounidense el mayor pecado que cualquier estado o región puede cometer es defender y proclamar su propia identidad nacional, su propia nacionalidad.  Se les permite hablar de herencia étnica u orgullo regional, pero siempre subordinado a la Omnipotente Nacionalidad Estadounidense, enmascarada de seguridad nacional, creada por el gobierno federal despues de la Guerra Secesionista del Sur.

Por tanto, de Puerto Rico advenir a la Estadidad Federada surgiría un conflicto inmediato entre la negativa del régimen a reconocerle a los estados y regiones sus propias identidades nacionales y la realidad inamovible de la Nacionalidad Puertorriqueña. Ese conflicto sería inmediato, total y absoluto, y se manifestaría dentro de un esquema federativo que no admite ni reconoce el derecho de los Estados a separarse de la Unión. Sería por tanto, un conflicto a muerte: o muere la nación puertorriqueña o muere la Identidad Nacional artificial creada por el régimen federal luego de la Guerra Secesionista del Sur.

Es por esto que en el caso específico de la Nación puertorriqueña, la integración política de Puerto Rico a la Unión estadounidense mediante el mecanismo de la Estadidad Federada sería la manifestación más asquerosa, conflictiva y explosiva del coloniaje.  El ELA es fruto de nuestra lucha y resistencia continua en contra del imperialismo estadounidiense que nos quiere tragar; la Estadidad Federada es permitir que el Imperio nos trague. La diferencia entre ambas no es cuestión de grados o cantidad de coloniaje. Es cuestión de principios y de la naturaleza innata a cada una de ellas. Uno representa el fruto de nuestra lucha por superar el coloniaje, el otro el coloniaje en su máxima y más apestosa expresión.

Por tanto, todo aquel independentista, nacionalista o soberanista que dirige sus ataques en contra del ELA mientras da la impresión de aceptar la Estadidad como una formula descolonizadora, está actuando como un traidor a la patria puertorriqueña. Está preparando el terreno para que las masas de puertorriqueños sometidos al yugo imperialista y a los temores coloniales que ese yugo genera, al buscar una alternativa al mismo opten por la Estadidad como una supuesta formula descolonizadora.  

Bajo el ELA aun no nos hemos sometido al imperio. Al ELA aun y siempre será posible desarrollarlo en una ruta de crecimiento soberanista. La Estadidad Federada, por el contrario es permitir que nos trague la Union y una vez en su tracto digestivo trate de digerirnos, borrando para siempre todo vestigio de nuestra identidad nacional. LA ESTADIDAD FEDERADA, por tanto,  ES LA COLONIA EN SU MÁXIMA  Y MAS APESTOSA EXPRESIÓN.

Pero si esa Estadidad llegase a llegar, y si la bestia imperial llegase a tragarnos, que se atenga a las consecuencias, porque desde ahora le advertimos que seremos un diamante grande, duro, puntiagudo y filoso en su tracto digestivo. Al final saldremos al otro lado y un poco de lluvia borrará toda la sangre y el excremento que se halla podido adherir a nuestra superficie nacional.  Lo que le pase a las entrañas de la bestia, eso lo dejamos a su imaginación. 

El poder dominante en Washington es la prensa liberal y el lobby judio (dos caras de la misma moneda). Si la estadidad federada ganase un plebiscito en Puerto Rico y la prensa liberal, la prensa hispana, y el todopoderoso lobby judio lanzan su enorme peso a favor de la incorporacion de Puerto Rico como estado federal, en menos de tres años Puerto Rico será el estado 51.

La prensa liberal cree y proclama las alegadas virtudes del multi-culturalismo y las acciones politicamente correctas. Un Estado con una identidad   claramente latinoamericana seria, a sus ojos, un paso de avance en la multiculturizacion de la Unión. De igual manera, la prensa, los medios y las corporaciones hispanas de Estados Unidos verían como algo positivo, para sus propósitos multiculturales, la incorporación de Puerto Rico como estado federal. Finalmente el lobby judío responde a una visión de mundo definida por los fariseos que a través de los siglos desarrollaron el Talmud y el Zohar judío. Esa visión inculca en los judíos un anhelo subyacente por socavar las bases y la unidad cultural, nacional de las naciones e imperios gentiles. Desde Roma hasta nuestros días esa ha sido su actitud ante las naciones en las cuales han habitado.  Que mejor forma de dividir, y a sus ojos socavar a la Unión estadounidense que integrar como estado federal a países foráneos que de ninguna manera podrían ser asimilados por la Unión.

Conociendo pues, la mentalidad y la tendencia natural colectiva del judaísmo, podemos ver que ellos lanzarían todo su poder e influencia en apoyo de la Estadidad federada para Puerto Rico. Todo lo que hace falta, para que la prensa liberal, los medios hispanos de Estados Unidos y el todopoderoso lobby judío impulsen e impongan la incorporación de Puerto Rico como estado federal es que la Estadidad federada sea apoyada por la mayoría del pueblo puertorriqueño.

Una vez se de ese paso, lo demás vendrá por añadidura. La Estadidad federada, para todos los fines prácticos habrá llegado. La bestia se habrá tragado el diamante grande, duro puntiagudo y filoso. El gran conflicto entre Washington y San Juan habrá comenzado. Viviremos algunos años de excremento colonial en su máxima expresión... pero al final saldremos al otro lado libres, independientes y soberanos. 

La estrategia  para lograr ese objetivo es simple, sencilla e inmisericordemente efectiva.  A lo largo y ancho de la Unión existen un gran numero de identidades proto-nacionales en distintos grados de desarrollo. Hasta hace poco la hegemonía imperial de los Estados Unidos y los beneficios económicos que esto les daba a los estadounidenses habían desalentado el desarrollo de dichas identidades proto-nacionales. Mas allá de los elementos culturales no existían razones económicas sustantivas, que apoyaran su desarrollo. Los beneficios materiales de ser parte del imperio eran muchos, los de separarse de la Unión no eran tan claros. Esa ecuación ha cambiado.

Por imperialismo queremos significar el sometimiento de otros países y jurisdicciones a los intereses de un determinado país u organización.  En el caso del Imperialismo estadounidense estamos hablando del  sometimiento de la inmensa mayoría de los países supuestamente soberanos del mundo a los intereses nacionales de los Estados Unidos.  Gracias a esto la Unión y sus residentes se beneficiaban del mal ajeno,  chupándole, directa o indirectamente, los recursos naturales, las riquezas, y hasta lo mejor de su población a los demás países del mundo.

Esa era ha pasado.  Ya los Estados Unidos no tienen el salten por el mango. La Unión Europea es mucho más grande y avanzada tecnológicamente que los Estados Unidos. Esta verdad se oculta comparando las capacidades de la Unión estadounidense con  las capacidades de los miembros individuales de la Unión Europea. Estados Unidos versus Inglaterra, Estados Unidos versus Francia, Estados Unidos versus Alemania, etc. etc. De esta forma aun lucen más grandes y poderosos. Pero si comparamos las capacidades de los Estados Unidos versus las capacidades de la Unión Europea en su totalidad, veremos lo rezagado que se está quedando el Tío Sam.

Ante China la situación es aun peor.  Ya China, como país individual y por si sola es la segunda potencia económica del mundo y en una década se espera que desplace a los Estados Unidos como la primera. Por los últimos 60 años la moneda de Reserva mundial había sido el dolar. Ya no lo es.  Ahora se utilizan varias monedas, incluyendo el dolar pero también el Euro europeo y el Yuan Chino.  China, de hecho está presionando a otras naciones con las cuales comercia para que adopten la moneda China como su moneda de reserva oficial. Cada día son más y más los bancos y gobiernos que están descartando  al dolar como moneda de reserva oficial.

En Sur América poco a poco se están moviendo hacia una Unión regional similar, en muchos aspectos, a la Unión Europea. Brasil está surgiendo como la gran potencia comercial del Sur mientras que Venezuela está surgiendo como una gran potencia militar.  De seguir este camino en pocos años Estados Unidos tendrá que bregar con una Europa Unificada, una China como primera potencia mundial y una Sur América también unificada. La era de la hegemonía imperial estadounidense ha terminado.

La era de las vacas gordas ha llegado a su fin y como todo país acostumbrado a vivir del imperialismo, el pueblo estadounidense ahora tendrá que adaptarse a vivir sin los beneficios que su hegemonía imperialista les confería; y esos beneficios eran muchos.  De ahora en adelante tendrán que vivir sin ellos.   Dentro de este contexto aquellas identidades proto-nacionales que estaban latentes ahora tendrán la oportunidad y el terreno adecuado para crecer y desarrollarse. Ante un imperio decreciente y empobrecido los Estados y regiones comenzaran a preguntarse, como ya lo están haciendo, si seria mejor abandonar la Unión y luchar cada cual por su propio bien dentro del contexto de la nueva realidad mundial.

Es dentro de este contexto que el nuevo estado-nación de Puerto Rico encontrará un ambiente apropiado para sembrar las semillas del nacionalismo estatal-regional. Y así lo haremos, con toda la intensidad y el gusto que sea necesario. Esas identidades proto-nacionales serán vitalizadas, energizadas, revividas y fortalecidas con toda la deliberada intención de lograr la transformación o el desmembramiento de la Unión.

Para nosotros, acá en Puerto Rico, la Estadidad federada será la colonia y el conflicto colonial en su máxima expresión. Pero también será la gran oportunidad de llevar nuestro mensaje y nuestra actitud nacionalista a cada esquina y rincón de la Unión.  La Nacionalidad Puertorriqueña y la Identidad Nacional artificial creada por el Gobierno Federal al concluir la Guerra Secesionista del Sur entraran en un conflicto permanente; en una guerra a muerte, la cual nos aseguraremos de ganar.

Con la llegada de la Estadidad federada el momento de la suprema definición de la Nación Puertorriqueña habrá llegado y el conflicto final habrá comenzado.  Desde ahora quedan advertidos de lo que haremos para ganar ese conflicto. Contagiaremos a todos los estados y regiones de la Unión con la vitalidad de nuestra identidad nacional. Activaremos, fortaleceremos, promoveremos, revitalizaremos, y lidearemos todas y cada una de las identidades protonacionales a lo largo y ancho de la Unión hasta lograr la eliminación del régimen federal que hoy impera sobre la Unión. Así de claro y así de sencillo.

El Imperialismo Federal inevitablemente entrará en conflicto con las nuevas identidades nacionales que habrán de surgir a lo largo y ancho de la Union, y la Unión tendrá que transformarse o volará en cantos. Queden advertidos.

La Estadidad, la colonia en su máxima expresión, es posible y hasta probable que llegue a Puerto Rico, pero de hacerlo, no traerá ni paz ni sosiego. Encenderá el mayor conflicto en la historia de la Unión.  Al final del mismo la Unión se habrá transformado o habrá volado en cantos. De una u otra forma nosotros, la nación puertorriqueña, habremos de alcanzar nuestro destino de plena soberania nacional.

Esa es la perfecta voluntad de Dios no solo para Puerto Rico sino también  para todos los pueblos y todas las naciones. Dios no quiere la esclavitud de los individuos ni la subordinación de las naciones; de unas a otras, o de muchas a los intereses centralizados de unos pocos. 

El quiere que cada ser consciente, sea individual o colectivo, sea libre y soberano sobre su propia vida y existencia. EL quiere que cada ser consciente, cada ente individual o colectivo disfrute de un espacio de soberanía propia donde cada cual sea dueño absoluto y responsable total de sus actos. Dios quiere que todo ente individual y colectivo, todo ser humano y toda nación sea libre y soberano, y que toda asociación entre individuos o entre naciones esta basada en esa soberanía individual y nacional.  ELH, ELHA, YE-JO-VAH Dios, así lo quiere, y eventualmente así habrá de suceder. Pobre de aquellos que insistan en oponerse a su perfecta voluntad. Tarde o temprano tendrán que rendirle cuentas a EL.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Comisionado Residente: Nombrado por el Gobernador con el Consentimiento de la Legislatura

Como parte del desarrollo soberanista del Estado Libre Asociado propongo que el Comisionado Residente en Washington deje de ser visto como un cuasi-congresista electo por el pueblo y se reconceptualize como un embajador puertorriqueño en Washington nombrado por el Gobernador con el consentimiento de la rama Legislativa, y que todas las agencias y oficinas de Puerto Rico en Washington queden bajo su dirección.

Como embajador de Puerto Rico en Washington la oficina del Comisionado Residente no estará en el Congreso sino en un edificio o complejo de oficinas aparte. Su labor no se limitará a la rama Legislativa sino que tendrá que ver con todos los asuntos del Gobierno de Puerto Rico en Estados Unidos, ante todas las ramas del gobierno. Aun más, estará a cargo de supervisar e implementar las oficinas de enlace entre el Gobierno de Puerto Rico y la diaspora puertorriqueña en los Estados Unidos.

En la papeleta estatal-nacional en Puerto Rico deben estar las candidaturas a Gobernador y Vice-Gobernador. El Vice-Gobernador tendrá funciones similares a las del Secretario de la Gobernación y el Secretario de Estado, combinadas. De el Gobernador dejar su puesto por muerte o alguna otra razón el Vice-Gobernador lo sucederá en el puesto hasta las próximas elecciones.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Puerto Ricans Right to Renounce US Citizenship

In 1917 and against the will of the Puerto Rican people (as clearly seen from both the Congressional Record and the Puerto Rican press of that time) US Citizenship was imposed upon the Puerto Rican people. Those who did not want it had to go thru an almost impossible to fulfill process and deal with the rejection that the colonial system would imposed upon them.

Presently, there is another group of Puerto Ricans, myself included, that wants to renounced US Citizenship but are not allowed to do so. This became crystal clear in the 90’s when Puerto Rican Patriot Juan Mari-Bras renounced US Citizenship.  He traveled to Venezuela (in the prior to Chavez era) renounced US Citizenship at the US Embasy  there, and then came back to Puerto Rico. Initially the US State Department accepted his renunciation but then reverse it. Since then the official policy of the US Government has been that  in order to renounce US Citizenship a Puerto Rican must  leave not only the United States but also Puerto Rico, our homeland,  move to a third country, and adopt their citizenship.

As Puerto Rican patriots who want to live in our homeland and upheld our own Nationality, that US policy is unacceptable. The US Government should change that policy and establish a process for those Puerto Ricans who want to renounce US Citizenship to be able to do so while living in Puerto Rico.  Obviously by doing so we will renounce certain rights inherent to US Citizenship, like running for public office in the US and voting in US elections.  Others rights inherent to our status as human beings, our natural rights, we will retain. What we will renounce and what rights would be acknowledge to us as Puerto Rican Citizens should be clearly stated.

Specifically, we should be entitled to live in our homeland, Puerto Rico, vote in Puerto Rico elections, and even run for public office in Puerto Rico. We would be renouncing US, Federal, Citizenship, not our own,natural, Puerto Rican Citizenship, which, in essence, is similar to the State Citizenship enjoyed by US naturals prior to the creation, after the Secessionist, “Civil” War, of the Federally sponsored citizenship now in existence.

The imposition of US citizenship upon Puerto Ricans in 1917 must be seen as a gross violation of our natural National Rights as Puerto Ricans. No one while living in his motherland should be force to accept a Citizenship other than his own natural citizenship. Since early in the 19th Century we have had a National Identity of our own. Nationality is primarily a sociological term. Some nations are sovereign, others are not... yet. Eventually it is our hope and goal that all nations will be sovereign and free, just like every individual human being should be sovereign and free, the master of his or her own destiny.

A nation is a sociological, living entity, compose of a group of people with a collective consciousness and a common  sense of origin, present reality, purpose and destiny. A nation as an  entity might be free and sovereign or, because of the intricacies of geopolitical games, may be subordinated to another nation or political entity.  But once a people acquire their own national sentient existence, they acquire with it the right and the obligation to become a Sovereign  nation, called to play and fulfilled its own role in world affairs.  Once the sociological entity of a Nation comes into being, with or without political sovereignty, its members acquire some natural national rights, which are different  from the Natural Individual Rights that Individuals, as humans beings,  are also entitled to.

In this context, when the US, in a military action, took over Puerto Rico in 1898, turned our homeland into a US Colony and then imposed, in 1917, US Citizenship upon us,  the United States violated our National Rights as members of the Nation of Puerto Rico.  Even worse, to deny us even  now, a hundred years latter, the right to renounce US Citizenship while living in our own homeland of Puerto Rico is an even greater violation of our National and  individual human rights.

To correct that wrong, the US Congress should approved  legislation that will recognize our right  as Puerto Ricans living in Puerto Rico to renounce US Citizenship, and embrace our own Puerto Rican citizenship in accordance with our own Puerto Rican national Identity. I was born in Puerto Rico as a US Citizen. I hope to die, no matter where, as a Puerto Rican Citizen.

Don't get me wrong. I love the United States. The United States is my second home, but my homeland is Puerto Rico. In Spanish it sounds better, "Estados Unidos es mi segunda patria, Puerto Rico es la primera".

I do love the Union, but my Nation is Puerto Rico and my nationality is Puerto Rican.  To put one nation inside another nation is to endanger the peace, stability and the very existence of both nations.  If Puerto Rico were ever to become a federal State, the Puerto Rico nationalistic, pro-independence movement will turn into a Secessionist Movement and Puerto Rico's motto would become: Puerto Rico, the Secessionist State. And believe you me, we will not stop till the new Federal State of Puerto Rico becomes a Sovereign and Independent Nation. And if the Union get sick and dies in the process, such is life,  we will be deeply sorry for that.

Trying to assimilate Puerto Rico is akin to swallowing a big, pointed, razor sharp diamond.  Once inside, It may take a while for us to come out, but eventually, we will, and the rain will wash any bull and blood away from us. But whoever tries to swallow us will be shitting blood a long, long time to come; and if an infection kills him, don't blame us for it.

But to make the record clear, I am not talking about violent resistance from the belly of the beast, guerrilla warfare or terrorism. Although, a pacifist myself, I cannot deny others the natural, national right to struggle for national sovereignty by any and all means necessary: I can only ask them to do it in a conscious, moral and responsible way. But in my own personal case, I do not practice or promote violent actions against anyone, including the United States, its Government, Institutions or people. Neither against any other nation or people.

So when I say that the, hopefully never to be, State of Puerto Rico will eventually become a Sovereign and Independent Nation, I am not relying on a violent struggle, but on the resilience of our national Identity whose roots go deep and far; thru Spain to the Holy Land; for, spiritually speaking, we, Puerto Ricans, act as inheritors of the prophetic identity and mission of the Israel of old.

We have incarnated that spirit, and  act as that other people, that other nation, that would arise in the latter days, to bring the direct descendants of Israel to shame: For we, as a natural inclination of the heart, are committed to do what they, as a natural reaction to the blessing Ye-ho-vah God had given them, were supposed to do: Passing on to mankind the divine vision of a  universal brotherhood of natural nations living in harmony with God and cosmos. That agenda we will push forward, no political bull, or religious blinders allowed here. Gustele a quien no le guste.

Because of these deep seated roots, present prophetic role, and its future implications, neither the US, nor any other World Power that were to come (European Union, China, Latin American Union or Aliens from inner or outer space, if you will) will be able to assimilate, diffuse or silence us.  

We will continue to preach and stand tall for a unique and  different world-view, based upon natural nations living in natural freedom and harmony with God and Cosmos, and will infest you with it: each and every region of your country; each and every state and territory of your Union; each and every Citizen of your Empire; till either, your Union is transform according to these principles, or it burst apart, giving us the National Freedom we need to keep doing what we are meant to do.

Once again, don't get me wrong, the Puerto Rican Nation, as a Sovereign and Independent Nation State, will undoubtedly be a close friend of the US; as close as our collective nature and your national policies allow us to be. Your Union and  our nation would play two different but complementary roles in the world. But in order to fulfill those roles effectively we both need to be Sovereign and free. Understand that, please, and let us move forward for the common good.  

The US is our second home: Nuestra segunda Patria. But the priorities must be set straight, Puerto Rico is the FIRST. As a subordinated colony, unincorporated territory, incorporated territory, or Federal State, Puerto Rico will continue to be a Nation within your Nation. One that will never die or fade away, till it fulfills its intended purpose.

Presently, and depending on how our Puerto Rican Nationality is defined and how strong is the commitment each individual feels toward our collective identity, there are two to four millions Puerto Ricans in the US mainland. The US and Puerto Rico are interwoven, interconnected, and will remain to be so for a long time to come, no matter how just or unjust the political and economic interconnection between us might be.  To imposed unilateral Independence upon Puerto Rico under degrading conditions will certainly hurt Puerto Rico directly, but in return, it will hurt the United States as well.

So the solution to  the present situation is not a sudden  unilateral declaration of Independence for Puerto Rico by the US Congress. The sensible thing to do is to created the legal framework and National Policy that will allow and incentivize Puerto Rico to grow toward Sovereignty, and Independence.

Instead of sending us more and more, morally degrading, welfare funds, grant us increasing National Sovereignty; one step at a time and in harmony with the US national interest, if you will. Colonialism is a contagious and degrading emotional, spiritual and mental disease.  After 500 years, we, Puerto Ricans, are sick and tired of it.  But it  will take some time, measured in years, to overcome it completely.  In the 1890s we were well  on our way to eradicate colonialism from  our land. One step at a time the Spanish kingdom had come to accept our national existence and unique collective character. In the last phase of their Imperial era, we were gaining more and more autonomy and national recognition; the legal process was well in its was for us to grow in autonomy toward eventual Independence. The night of colonialism was coming to an end... but...

But then you came, uninvited, and, as part of your Imperialistic expansion of the 1890s, reduce us, once again, to the degrading status of a mere military possesion, as if we, one million people then, over six millions now, were not humans, just land and things.  Once again our struggle against imperialism started. Against a new Metropolis, that spoke another language and had another worldview. Over a hundred years latter and despite a zillion broken promises, you have kept us, as if we were things, under the plenary powers of Congress, under the humiliation of the territorial clause of your federal constitution. Your imperial expansion of the 19th Century and your imperial policies toward us,  ever since, has contributed  deeply to the encroachment of that horrible colonial complex in our hearts and minds. We shall overcome it. With or without your help, but, you as the Imperial power that frustrated our previous efforts and prolonged our colonial dilemma, you should work with us  to do it. In good faith, lets us become partners to eradicate both, imperialism and colonialism from  among us.

Once again, to impose full, sudden, independence upon a people with a colonized mentality will do more harm than good, and if Puerto Rico gets hurt, you, the US, will feel the pain as well. So the process of decolonizing Puerto Rico should be a careful  process. One step at a time.  It will take its  time, but there are some things we should start right now:

1. The US should progressively reduce US welfare funds transferred to Puerto Rico while increasing Puerto Rico's national sovereignty (one step at a time and in harmony with US National Interest, if you will) so that we can design and implement our own solutions to our own problems. We need sovereignty over increasing areas of our national live to do so. Believe you me, and I know that is hard  for your World-Power/Imperial mentality to accept, but our own solutions will be better for us than anything you may send us, pre-design and tested by your experts in Washington.

2. Reduce the presence in the Island of the FBI, the Federal Courts and other Federal Agencies; for they are presently infested by the local, fascist, colonial clique, we call them Guaynabitos; people with a deep colonized mentality that deny what they obviously are, Puerto Ricans;  who, while wanting to look and act like Conservative White Anglo-Saxon American Protestant Patriots, in reality sound and look like a funny, cheap and degrading representation of what a slave thinks his master  should look like. Reduce your presence here. Stop feeding the Gaynabitos irrational clique,  and we, the Puerto Rican people, will find our own  way, guided by our own higher goals and transcendental values. We respect yours, but we have our own and want to build upon them our own future.

3. Call, if you will,  for a "Statehood Yes or No" plebiscite in Puerto Rico, but with one important safeguard: It should not be the local, colonized, pro-statehood Guaynabitos, the ones who should tell Puerto Ricans what statehood is. With or without a status plebiscite,  It should be you, US people, Congressmen, ideologist, political activists, et al, the ones who should come down to Puerto Rico to interact with our people, presenting your vision and your understanding of what Federal Statehood is and how Puerto Rico will have to change to be accepted as a Federal State. Be honest with us and we will be honest with you, hard honesty is much better than politically correct lies.

You should inform yourselves about us. Is about time. You should learn about our history, culture and National Identity and them come down here, to Puerto Rico, to interact with us. Not as politicians seeking votes or funds for their campaigns, we have had  plenty of those, but as Americans concerned with the Union's present and future health. Come down here as you truly are so that we may  know you and you may know us as we both truly are.  Let that encounter and  interaction take place, we both will learn and grow a lot from it.