Tuesday, March 18, 2014

On the Anti-Christ or False Messiah of Judaism

In the Original Hebrew/Aramaic it is not the Anti-Christ but the False Christ: the false Messiah, the false Savior of Israel.  In Israel there has always been two tendencies: the Religious, pious trend, following the Mosaic Law and trusting God; and the secular, atheistic trend, that denies God and seeks to restored  the Israeli Kingdom, outside and against religion.  The false Christ, the False Messiah of Judaism is the conception of the Messiah that the secular atheistic Jews have follow since the days of Moses. In its present incarnation It is called Secular Zionism and its Messiah, its Savior is the Zionist Jewish State they are creating.

Secular Zionist Jews are not expecting a divine ordained Messiah, or even YeHoVaH God himself to descent from heaven to be their Saviour.  Their highest conception of God is that of an energy, like the force of the Star War movies, that they, the Secular Jewish Elite, know how to conjure and manipulate. In their ideology it is them, the Secular Zionist Jews, the ones that will save the Jewish people, and rule the world thru their creation, The Zionist State, that will become the physical incarnation of the Secular Zionist Ideology, and imperial ideals.

They have succeeded in creating their State.  Yet it is not perfectly Jewish and Zionist yet. Functioning in a real world, and feeding on people, primarily Jews who moved to Israel and their descendants, the Palestinian who remain in the land,  the Jewish community around the world and Christians who believe it to be a God given creation, the State of Israel does not yet incarnates perfectly the secular Zionist ideology.

For the time being that State has the appearance of conformity to religion and fear of God, but deep within, Zionism is an atheist ideology that hates religion, all religion but  primarily monotheistic religions like Islam, Christianity and most of them all, Judaism, which they blame for all the evils that the Jewish people has suffered over the ages.

For the time being the State of Israel functions as the Government of a given country where real people with good and bad traits strive to live, protect and govern themselves the best way they can. Yet Secular Zionism as an ideology and imperial philosophy continuous to grow and expand its grip upon mankind.

Inside and outside of Israel the great satan, [the collective, telepathic identity of the rebellious, Sheol-bound serpent people] thru the Ideology of  Atheist Zionism is consolidating its grip and mind control of powerful Jewish bankers, leaders and power brokers around the world.   It is becoming the ideology, the religion of the Jewish powerful elite around the Globe. Thru them It is taking control of the World.

 Once it does, It will reveal its true nature seeking to destroy all Monotheistic religions. To destroy  Islam, historical evidence (real or created: the effect will be the same) will be presented that will "prove" beyond any doubt who the original so called prophet  was and how it was transmuted into the religion and Prophet of Islam. The evidence will be so powerful and disgusting that the masses will depart from that religion. Deprived of their unifying religion the Arabs and Muslims  of the world will become like sheep lost in the wilderness... and the Zionist state will act like a Lion feeding among them.

 Against Christianity, Satan, acting thru its Zionist emissaries, will do what they have always done, instigate persecution and hatred,  seeking to completely eradicate Christ and its disciples from the face of the Earth.

At the end, when Satan thinks it has succeeded, it will raise against the Jewish/Israeli people themselves. The foreshadow of that occurred in WWII, when pious Jews were persecuted and murdered by Communist/Zionist Jews within and without the Nazi prison system (and then blamed the Nazis for that); It is starting again against the Orthodox Jews in Israel; and it will gain full strength once Satan thinks that he Has finally overcome Christianity.

But then,  YeHoVah God himself will descend from heaven and set his feet upon the Mount of Olives as prophesied by Zechariah. Then the Jewish People, the Muslims, and any surviving Christians left in Israel, will acknowledge that He is their Savior and their God.  They will go up the Mountain to seek His protection...

 and then they will see his hands...

Then the Jewish/Israeli people will finally understand, repent and become the blessing God intended them to be from the very beginning. What a glorious day. The climax of the prophetic drama. How much I wish we could be there... to rejoice with them... yet there is work to do... and we must do it for that day to come.

The fullness of God's love as manifested in the life and sacrificial death of Jesus must be presented to them as  well as his commandment to love all as he has  loved us. That is the Full Gospel of Jesus. Not only that God love us, but that we, and all those who accept and receive that love, must pass it on, loving all as he has loved us.

Israel needs to receive that message, to feel that love. But that love to be honest must condemn their sins and call them to repentance just like the prophets of YeHoVaH did in the past, just like Jesus did during his earthly ministry and just like his disciples did during their close to 40 years ministry to Israel, just after His resurrection.

Some Jews will receive the message now, and become one with us. Must of them won't. Yet the seed will be planted in their minds and  hearts and when their day of big tribulation comes. When most Christians would have departed from this physical world. Some taken away in the rapture. Most killed during the persecution the Zionist Elite instigated against them. At the time of the Great tribulation of Jacob, when the Jewish State they created with sweat and tears turns against them... then  they will remember and return to the God of their Forefathers.

Then, The God of Love and Faithfulness that was preached to them, will come to their rescue...  YeHoVah Himself will set his feet upon the Mount of Olives to be their Lord, their Savior, their Ultimate Messiah! Ha leh lu YAH!
