Monday, December 23, 2019

Lunar Event 2028: We still have time to get ready, but the time is running short!

The world is not as the official orthodox science says it is, neither it is as it was before the Universal flood recorded in the Bible, but it is changing to become what it was supposed to become from the very beginning.

El mundo no es como la ciencia oficial ortodoxa dice que es, tampoco es como era antes del Diluvio Universal registrado en la Biblia, pero esta cambiando para llegar a ser lo que se supone que llegaria a ser desde el principio.

Don't be afraid of the changes, but seek to understand and flow with them, otherwise, you may suffer undue harm.

No le tengan miedo a los cambios, pero busquen entenderlos y fluyan con ellos, si no lo hacen pudieran sufrir daños innecesarios.

Every day, small events happen all around the world that are inexplicable according to the official science view.  Those isolated events will continue to be ignored by official science till the Moon Event occurs in the summer of 2028, plus or minus three years.  Then the official orthodox science view will collapse and mankind will go into a panic. Alternate scientific and religious views will arise to try to explain the cosmos, the universe, the history of mankind and our future.

Cada dia en el mundo ocurren pequeños eventos que son inexplicables para la ciencia oficial.  Esos eventos continuaran siendo ignorados por la ciencia oficial hasta que ocurra el Evento Lunar en el verano del 2028, mas o menos 3 años. Entonces el modelo cientifico oficial colapsara y la humanidad entrara en panico.  Surgiran modelos cientificos y religiosos alternativos para tratar de explicar el cosmos, el universo, la historia de la humanidad y nuestro futuro.

Not only the climate but the topography of the world and our perceived connection to the cosmic system our planet is part of will change. The very nature of the earth and its connection to the so-called solar system will be doubted.

No solo el clima sino la topografia del mundo y nuestro entendimiento de como este mundo se conecta con el sistema cosmico del cual somos parte cambiara. La naturaleza misma de la tierra y su conexion con el supuesto systema solar sera puesto en duda.

Official science must not ignore the events that cannot be explained according to the official scientific world view; and open itself to alternative world views.

La ciencia oficial no debe ignorar los eventos que no se pueden explicar de acuerdo al modelo cientifico official; y se debe abrir a modelos cientificos alternativos.

We still have time, but the time is running short.

Todavia tenemos tiempo, pero ese tiempo se esta acabando.


hope vision said...

That's the problem the time is running short.....!

Anonymous said...

You're a little crazy

Anonymous said...

A little??

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Moises ceja said...

Estoy total mente de acuerdo

Anonymous said...

It's not a Lunar Event that's coming. It's a Solar Micro Nova around 2030. It happens every 26,000 years and it's recorded in every major world religion and cultural mytholog. See the book 'Hamlet's Mill' by DeSantillana and Von Deschend.

Moises ceja said...

Gracias x el dato

jury said...

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