Thursday, September 23, 2021

The rapture of the saints of the Apostolic Church at the end of the Jewish Era, the rapture of the saints of the Gentile Church at the end of the Gentile Era, the rise of Michael, the fall and incarceration of Satan and the millennial Reign of Jesus, The Miltha of God, upon the whole Earth.

 At the end of the Jewish era there was a rapture of the 12 disciples/apostles and the saints of that era, including Mary, the human mother of Jesus. Only a small percentage of the believers were then taken up to heaven. That rapture took place before the year 70, as Jesus had prophesied. When you see (Jesus talking to the twelve disciples) these things (related to the fall of Jerusalem the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Jewish Era) start to happened, lift up your heads for your salvation is at hand. That is what Jesus promised the twelve, and he fulfilled his promise.

There will be another rapture at the end of the Gentile Church era, and once again only a small percentage of the believers will be taken away and transformed, becoming the spiritual guardians of humanity, living and functioning in the atmosphere of the Earth, removing and replacing the fallen angels that have occupied that space since the beginning of the human era. Under the leadership of Jesus and the ministry of these human, resurrected, spiritual sons of God, mankind will flourish in peace and justice for all. So YES!!! I am looking forward for the Rapture of the Saints of the Gentile Church Era, the expulsion of the fallen angels from the earth atmosphere, their incarceration, and their replacement with the human Sons of God, sons of the resurrection, that will then reign over the entire world. Praise the Lord, MarYah! as in the original Aramaic that Jesus and the twelve disciples speak. Amen. Till then, and in preparation for that moment it is good to review all the prophecies Jesus made and differentiate between the ones related to the Apostolic Ministry during the end of the Jewish Era, the Church ministry during the present Gentile era and finally the ones that will be fully fulfilled leading to and during the Millennium. A few tips to do so: First use the Aramaic Bible as the basic text, both the Tanach and the apostolic writings, as the original language is Aramaic, not Greek, not Hebrew. Hebrew is a subset of the original Aramaic Language and Greek is just an early translation, probably done by Paul, after the rapture of the twelve; sorry, Paul was left behind. Both the Hebrew and the Greek scriptures are useful to shed light on pronunciation and meaning but the original authoritative language is the Aramaic, not the Greek or Hebrew translations. Secondly, sorry once more, but the books of the Bible are not the Authoritative Word, in Aramaic the Miltha, or God. The Miltha of God is Jesus. These books are historical witnesses of the Divine revelation written from the point of view of different authors. They should be studied and used as historical books, original historical books, but not divine in themselves. Third, Paul was not an apostle at the same level of the twelve. Officially he was a missionary commissioned by the Church of Antioch, but in his theological dissertations he contradicted the 12, the books of the Jewish Tanach, (the law and the prophets,) and Jesus himself in multiple occasions. After the departure, the rapture, of the 12 and the saints of the Apostolic Church, Paul collected their writings, rearranged them, translated them into Greek, for the Gentile Church, and declare himself the Apostle of the Gentile Church. So his writings are useful when contrasted with the writings of (1) the brothers of Jesus, older sons of Joseph from previous marriages, who lead the Judaizers movements within the Church and (2) the 12 disciples/apostles who preached the gospel as taught by Jesus himself. To make it clear: there were three main sectors within the Apostolic Church. The followers of Jesus lead by the 12 disciples. The Judaizers lead by the brothers of Jesus and the progressive thinkers lead by Paul who sough to interpret the life and resurrection of Jesus based on the most progressive theological ideas of his time. When we read and study the apostolic period writing taking these three perspectives into account we get a tri-dimensional picture of Jesus life, work and ministry, and the Apostolic Church Period, at the end of the Jewish Era/ beginning of the Gentile era. Finally all the books of the new Testament are useful, not to be discarded, but Paul did moved some passages around. For example, the end of the gospels, he puts them at the beginning of the Apostolic Period, right after the resurrection of Jesus, when rightfully so they should be at the end, right after the rapture of the Saints of the Apostolic Church. Originally the commandment of Jesus was to go thru all the land of Israel preaching the gospel to the Jews, for their time was almost over. Judgement was imminent. After the fall of the temple and the end of the Jewish Era, THEN the priority was to preach and teach the entire world. One more point: The Book of Revelation is not one book but the combination of two or more apocalyptic works into one book. The editor, perhaps Paul, did not dare to add or take away from those visions, but simply rearrange them, two or more works, into one. The Challenge for the 21st century Church is to restore the New Testament, Apostolic Period, writings into their original order, so what was, what is and what is still to be will become crystal clear to all. May the Shekina, of God the Divine Mother Spirit, also known as the Holy Spirit guide us. Amen.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Why I am against Granting Statehood to Puerto Rico

 Hoy, Martes 2 de marzo del 2021 el Periodico Primera Hora publico un reporte de prensa sobre la radicacion en el Congreso de un proyecto de Ley para viabilizar la admision de Puerto Rico como el Estado 51 de la Union.  En la seccion de comentarios publique mi reaccion al mismo, Leia asi:

Soy Puertorriqueño, nacionalista, soberanista e independientemente de loq decida el Congreso de Estados Unido continuare trabajando por, y promoviendo la plena soberania de Puerto Rico tanto entre los puertorriqueños como entre los estadounidenses. Si la Estadidad se convirtiese en el proximo estatus politico de Puerto Rico eso no cambiara ni mi sentir ni mi labor.

Por el contrario, bajo la e stadidad trabajaria con mas fuerza para convencer a Estados Unidos de que la unica solucion al creciente setimiento secesionista en Puerto Rico y en muchos estados de la Union es encaminar a Puerto Rico hacia su plena soberania nacional.  Hay muchas formas parar lograr eso, que inclusive serian mas impactantes y efectivas bajo la Estadidad Federal.

Ucle Sam and dear Congresspersons, swallow the pill, a living, hard, pointed and sharp diamond that once inside, incorporated as a federal state will focus on finding its way out.... PR will eventually become a Free and Sovereign Nation.  What may happen to the guts of the beast in the process, swallow the pill and f ace the consequences of your arrogance.

El moderador del grupo rechazo mi comentario alegando que no se ajustaba a las normas del grupo. Rapidamente publique otro comentario y este aparentemente lo publicaron.

No dije ni una sola mala palabra, no insulte a nadie. simplemente di mi opinion sobre el tema de la Estadidad y sus consecuencias tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Pero como esa opinion no le gusta a algunas personas, el moderador rechazo mi comentario. En Resumen, si llega la estadidad seguire promoviendo la Independencia para Puerto Rico. Dentro de la estadidad estaria promoviendo y justificando la secesion como solucion a la necesidad funcional de soberania nacional, no solo de Puerto Rico sino de otros estados y regiones en Estados Unidos que estan en el proceso de desarrollar identidades nacionales propias. La meta obvia seria alcanzar un proceso de ebullicion que obligue a la clase gobernante en Estados Unidos a escoger entre la desestablilizacion de toda la Union o encaminar a Puerto Rico hacia su plena soberania nacional... Esa sera la estrategia si llegase la estadidad. Asi que pidalan si quieren y al Congreso que la conceda si la consideran conveniente para atender el problema del Estatus politico de Puerto Rico. Eventualmente Puerto Rico advendra a su plena soberania nacional, ya sea mediante un proceso racional y mutualmente beneficioso o como resultado de una efervecencia secesionista promovida por intelectuales boricuas a lo largo y ancho de la Union....

 En fin parece que la imagen grafica de las tripas del imperio sufriendo daño y expulsado a Puerto Rico de la Union en un proceso donde se mezcla la sangre y la escreta del Congreso no es del agrado del Moderador.  Pero ese es mi argumento fundamental en contra de la Estadidad, que Puerto Rico tiene un fuerte sentido de nacionalidad propia y que de convertirse en Estado Federal, ese sentimiento nacionalista propio contagiara a otros estados y regiones de la Union, causando y, en mi  caso particular, promoviendo una efervecencia secesionista que eventualmente o transforma la Union y la destruye. Creo que la imagen grafica se queda corta....