Wednesday, February 26, 2014

El Rapto de unos pocos y el fin de la Era de la Iglesia...

El siguiente escrito: The Rapture of a few and the end of the Church Era, esta en ingles, pues asi llego, cuando estaba reaccionando a un video en youtube, que estaba en el idioma ingles.  Por regla general, soy muy flojo traduciendo, y cada vez que lo intento, termino escribiendo un articulo nuevo.  Asi que aqui lo tienen, espero que lo disfruten, y si me preguntan cuales seran las dos naciones que Dios habra de usar, luego del llamado rapto de la Iglesia, para lidiar con Israel, y lograr su arrepentimiento, conversion y transformacion, ya ustedes conocen una de ellas, la que tiene al Leon de la tribu de Juda, la raiz de David que ha vencido, que se menciona en el capitulo 5 del Libro de Revelacion, como su simbolo nacional...

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The Rapture of a Few and the end of the Church Era

To be taken away before the revelation of the Antichrist is not a right you receive when you accept Jesus. It is a privilege earned by just a few.  It is for those who reach and keep a high level of Holiness or consecration to God, by living according to HIS law of unconditional love toward God and others.

Everybody else will stay here. What will come to an end at the rapture, of just a few truly holy men, will be the Era of the Church. After that moment God will deal with Nations, primarily the nations that descends, spiritually, from the Israel of antiquity.  There are quite a few of those. The best known being the present nation-state of Israel.

After the rapture God will deal with the Jew and its present State of Israel.  God will confront them with their SIN and called them to repentance.  God will do what he WILL do to bring them to repentance and salvation.  God will reunite all the descendants of the Israel of antiquity and bound them under his LAW of unconditional love, not any kind of love but the love He demonstrated when He Incarnated and was obedient even unto death... on a cross.

To accomplish this HE will use two nations, the TWO witnesses identified in Revelation.... Revelation is not about individuals but about NATIONS. Those two nations will suffer the ultimate price, just as their master, Jesus, did over 2000 years ago. But for a Christian physical death is not the end... beyond death they will be one with God, one in God, as Jesus promised his followers.  In a way they will ascend into a higher level, but their example and message toward Israel will move Israel toward repentance and conversion, true conversion, at the final Revelation of Yehovah/Jesus (one and the same person or divine manifestation) when HE descends and sets his feet upon the Mount of Olives as prophesied by Zachariah.

As far as the individual Christians who are left behind at the rapture (the vast majority of us) our salvation will be tied to our faith, in its original meaning of faithfulness toward God and obedience to HIS law, but this LAW understood as explained and summarized by Jesus as the LAW OF LOVE, unconditional love toward God and others, even at the price of one's own physical sacrifice.

So, if you are a Christian, you better consecrate your live to God now, and live according to HIS LAW of unconditional love toward God and others, or you will be left behind and then, your only chance of salvation will be to adopt then the lifestyle you had not practice before, the law of unconditional love, but then under extreme circumstances.

Before the rapture, to live according to the law of unconditional love is relatively easy and only in a few extreme cases will lead to actual physical suffering and death.  After the rapture, if you choose to live according to the law of unconditional love, you WILL suffer persecution, tribulation and death.

So be smart and start living according to HIS LAW of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE toward God and others... now!,  and if HE wills it, you will be taken away before God starts to deal with apostate Israel, to bring them back under HIS wings. HIS manifested love will bring them to repentance, will bring them to conversion, will wash them from their sin and will transform them into the blessing he wanted them to be before they even existed... but it will be a bloody, painful affair, for the two witness nations He will use to express his love and bring about his plan.

It will be a bloody, holy, manifestation of love, and if you don't want to be part of it, start then manifesting that love today, when it is easy and free to do it. Take the express to heaven today, otherwise you will have to go the Calvary route, bleeding all the way to the top of it. Once the chosen ones, that first fruit of God's unconditional love, are taken away and the Antichrist manifest itself publicly, it will be too late to take the easy way, and you will have to pay the price, the full price to get there.

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Si leen cuidadosamente el capitulo 5 del Libro de Revelacion veran que aquel al cual el angel que hablaba con el anciano Juan describio como el Leon de la tribu de Juda, la Raiz de David que ha vencido resulto ser el Cordero que fue inmolado, es decir sacrificado ritualmente por el pecado de otros, pero que esta de pie;  ha vencido la muerte,  y es el que tomara el libro sellado con siete sellos y abrira los mismos.  Aquel que Juan vio como un Cordero inmolado, el angel lo ve como un Leon triunfante.  Cuestion de perspectiva...

Precisamente ese Cordero es el simbolo central del Escudo Nacional de Puerto Rico. Como he argumentado en otro escrito nuestros banderas nacionales, la que usamos en un pasado y la que tenemos al presente, se diseƱaron tomando como modelo primero la bandera dominicana y luego la cubana; y esta ultima, la monoestrallada, dado su parecido a la estadounidense, nos hace ver como un apendice o satelite del gran Imperio del Siglo 20; es decir, una colonia de la Union estadounidense.  Pienso, y ya he propuesto anteriormente que debieramos adoptar una nueva insignia nacional; una bandera que sea 100 nuestra y que refleje al cien por ciento nuestro espiritu y esencia colectiva. 

Algo tan sencillo y transcendente como tomar nuestro escudo nacional y colocarlo sobre un fondo azul celeste... identificandonos final y firmemente con el Leon, de la Tribu de Juda, la raiz de David, que ha vencido, aunque lo que se vea en la bandera sea un Cordero dulce y apacible, sabremos ya su significado y el compromiso que adoptamos al adoptarlo como nuestra insignia nacional... amen que si.  

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